ABA Behavior Therapies & Testing logo Specializing in helping families with Autism | Asperger's | PDD-NOS | ADHD Anxiety | Social Skills | Difficult Behaviors

Services - Advocacy

We will review and discuss your child's behavior reports/tests, and annual/triennial test results with you, explaining each report in a clear and understandable language. As a means to ensure access to appropriate education in the school system, we offer coherent explanations of and what these reports mean, and how they relate to your child and his or her services.

Independent testing of your son or daughter's independent living skills, academic performance and/or behaviors that may be interfering with his or her ability to learn are available through insurance funding private pay advocacy work for reasonable rates.

Clients actively receiving insurance funded through an agency are eligible to receive Certified SPED Advocate and Master's level Behavior Analyst or BCaBA support during IEP meetings as part of the insurance funded service. Clients actively receiving Regional Center funded services through an agency are eligible to receive Certified PED Advocate and Master's level Behavior Analyst or BCaBA support during IEP meetings as part of the service.

Clients whose cases are judged to need referral to a special education attorney have access to our referral network of attorneys located in San Diego County.

Private Pay Tiered Advocacy Service Cost and Sliding Scale

Sliding scale is based on family's income and level of need.