ABA Behavior Therapies & Testing logo Specializing in helping families with Autism | Asperger's | PDD-NOS | ADHD Anxiety | Social Skills | Difficult Behaviors

Services - Parent Training

When it comes to their child, parents are the experts. It is our role as clinicians to enhance parents' skills to support their children throughout their lives long after they have graduated from needing our services. Thus, parent training is an integral component of our programming. Treatment typically includes a large number of hours focused in providing parents with skills that they can use between treatment sessions and throughout their lives. In addition to the regular parent training built into most ABA programs, we also offer parent training in a group setting, bringing families together to learn from each other, as well as our excellent clinical staff, regarding what to expect from ABA therapy services, what resources are available to families here in San Diego County, and possible developmental paths their child may reach. These parent training groups are available to both parents and may be attended together or separately. We often like to start parents in a training group while the home program is being set up, but we understand that scheduling may require a parent to attend later on through the course of treatment.

As an extension of this parent training, throughout the year, we also offer Processing Groups and Marriage Counseling. Parent Self Care Workshops may be available to families based on need, availability, and what their insurance program will cover, to help ensure that the entire family system is being supported.