ABA Behavior Therapies & Testing logo Specializing in helping families with Autism | Asperger's | PDD-NOS | ADHD Anxiety | Social Skills | Difficult Behaviors

Services - Treatment

Our staff are all highly trained clinicians working in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. The majority of our direct service staff have Master's degrees in ABA, Social Work, Education, Psychology, or Counseling. All staff are Registered Behavior Technicians or higher as per BACB guidelines.

We believe in moving a child rapidly to a natural environment training/Pyramid model of ABA therapy as soon as they are ready to move past basic and foundational discrete trial training and table time drills. This helps reduce rigidity and build flexibility for the child, as well as ensure they have the best programming to integrate with same-age-typical peers.

Language development and communication through verbal behavior is another strong component of our treatment programming, with an emphasis on preventing the development of perseverative, echoic, and pedantic speech, and in favor of more fluid, natural communication. This enhances their community and social integration as they continue to develop.

Functional independence, community life skills, and transition to adulthood programming are important areas of the work we do for older clients to ensure they are able to live as independently as possible. Many of our clients go off to college or have changed from a residential facility placement track to a path leading to independent or minimally supportive living.

To facilitate these outcomes, we offer clients Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) and Early Intensive Behavior Intervention (EIBI) services, as well as Routine and Activity Based Natural Environment Training ABA services.

Please see the BACB publication on insurance funded ABA therapy treatment.